Weightlifting Update

This past summer I wrote a post about how I felt fat after seeing some pictures of myself on Facebook.  I ended the post by sharing my weightlifting stats at that time.  Today I thought it would be fun to share some of my progress by showing how much stronger I’ve gotten over the past 6 months.  My weight hasn’t changed much, if any, but I have lost a few inches around my waist & I’ve definitely gained some muscle, as you’ll see in the stats below, so I’m not too worried about the number on the scale anymore.  Additionally, my husband & I are planning to start a family later this year so my hope is that the stronger I am & the better shape I’m in before I get pregnant, the easier/healthier the pregnancy & delivery will be.  I know it’s not guaranteed, but there is definitely research that shows that women who are in good shape tend to have smoother pregnancies & deliveries, so I’m hoping that will prove true for me.

cartoon gym

I actually like all the mirrors at the gym, but I still think this is funny.

Anyhow, here are some of my current weightlifting stats with the numbers from 6 months ago listed first.

Chest press: 50 lbs >>  65 lbs

Seated leg press: 135 lbs  >>  same (I guess I need to do this one more!)

Incline shoulder press: 20 lbs >> 25 lbs

Flies: 60 lbs >>  70 lbs

Hip abduction/adduction: 140 lbs >> 175 lbs

Lying leg curls: 65 lbs >>  70 lbs

Deadlifts: 80-90 lbs >> 110-125 lbs

Bench press: 40-45 lbs >>  65 lbs (I did 80 lbs last week but only 1 rep)

Tricep press: 85 lbs >>  90 lbs

Lat pull down: 70 lbs >>  same

Rows: 60 lbs  >>  same

Glute press: 75 lbs >>  90 lbs

As you can see, I’ve made the most progress on the deadlifts, hip abduction/adduction, & the benchpress, & I am seriously proud of that.  As a former band geek who was often picked last in gym class, I still have to remind myself sometimes that I belong in the gym as much as anyone else.  But these stats definitely serve to remind me that I’m doing at least a few things right. weights

Ladies, I’m no professional, but please let me assure you that weightlifting will not cause you to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger as some of you seem to think.  That’s just not biologically possible.  What it will do is increase your confidence, contribute to an excellent figure, & make it much easier to open jars without having to ask your husband/partner/brother/any other male in the vicinity for assistance.  The last is just an added bonus!  😉


  1. I love lifting! I do still have a nervous breakdown about the thought of heading into the ‘mens’ section of the gym and using a machine…I like to stick to dumbbells if that still counts???x

    You’ve probably heard this step before, but tracking what you eat is a really insight for me. I use MyFitness Pal (Katy ferguson – add me!) and it really puts things into perspective in terms of fat levels, protein, sodium and calories. The important thing is to be honest with yourself.


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    • Try working with a personal trainer once in a while to help you learn some of the machines. That was worked well for me. When my husband & I used to go to the same gym, he would help me too but we go to different gyms now. I still have days when I feel weird being the only female on the weight side of the gym, but I try to just turn up the music & focus on my workout & not on what other people might be thinking.


  2. I tell people all the time, your weight isn’t the best indicator that your workouts, eating plans, etc. are working. As you pointed out, if you’re adding muscle, your weight won’t decrease by much, and in fact may go up as muscle weighs more than fat. Keep an eye on how your clothes fit, track your body fat percentage…those are the better indicators. From the looks of things though you are indeed on the right track toward reaching your fitness goals. Good job! :-).

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